AFR1 40Gbit certificatie tester CAT8

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The AFR1, with its unparallelled 2,500 MHz measurement range, is the first cable certifier with capability to certify the highest performance cabling systems in enterprise networks and data centers. Cable installers make significant gain in productivity with the AFR1‘s industry leading test speed and ease of use. With certification testing up to Class FA and CAT8 copper cabling, as well as MPO, SM and MM fiber optic cabling, the AFR1 is ready for 40G and beyond. The powerful measurement engine of the AFR1 performs the most complex cable certification tests accurately.
The AFR1 has test adapters for all categories of:
A. Copper patch-cords
Poor quality patch-cords are often cause of under-performance of otherwise good quality cabling channels. It is a good practice to confirm the performance of purchased patch-cords. The AFR1 offers an efficient way for quickly identifying and recording the performance of patch-cords. With its fast and accurate dual-ended testing, the AFR1's patch-cord test kits are suitable for both manufacturing testing, as well as for incoming inspection at end user premises. The AFR1 patch-cord test kits are available for testing CAT5e, CAT6, CAT6A, and CAT7/7A patch-cords.
B. Multi-mode MPO cables
This versatile solution enables data center IT managers to get quick and accurate assessment of the quality of MPO links. Additionally, it helps in performing incoming inspection of MPO components like cassettes. The key feature of this solution is a 5-second Autotest that includes a detection of fiber connection map and measurement of loss on each channel.
C. Simplex multi-mode and single-mode links
The AFR1's multimode and singlemode fiber adapters offer unmatched performance in certification testing of premise fiber optic cabling. In addition to 6-second dual ended, dual wavelength certification testing, the AFR1 provides intuitive graphical work-flow for bi-directional testing. The AFR1 makes the task of selection of set-reference method and test configuration straigth-forward with the advantage of easy to follow pictorial steps.
D. industrial Ethernet cabling systems (1G and 10G)
E. coaxial cables and more
The AFR1 even offers a range of specialised adapters for lab testing. In fact, some of the most reputed cable vendors use the AFR1 in their research labs to qualify newly developed cabling components.

  • First cable certification up to 2500 MHz to support new TIA CAT 8 und ISO Class I and II draft standard
  • Most advanced cable certification for all standards: Class D/E/EA/FA,Category 5e/6/6A, and the new draft CAT 8 as well as ISO draft standards Class I and Class II
  • Fastest Autotest in less than 9 Seconds
  • Accuracy independently verified by ETL
  • Exceeds ISO Level V*, IV and TIA Level IIIe Accuracy requirements
  • Endorsed by over 20 cable companies worldwide
  • Field upgradable with many options e.g. patchcord testing, Industrial Ethernet, Class FA
  • Perform extended Fiber certification for 850/1300 MM and 1310/1550 SM Fiber
  • First to support MPO Fiber testing for data centers
  • Advanced reporting and documentation
  • The only certifier supporting all data center, premise cabling and industrial ethernet requirements
* draft IEC61935-1 ed4
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Fast and simple for highest productivity
The AFR1 completes CAT 6A certification test in less than 9 seconds and Class FA testing in 15 seconds. It offers intuitive navigation through the screens on the device, and generates professional reports through its PC software.
Protects your Investment: Beyond 10G
If you are testing 10 Gb/s cabling, the AFR1 is the clear choice. If you are thinking beyond 10G, the AFR1 is the only choice. Built on a future proof, scalable measurement engine, the AFR1 protects your investment in test equipment as the data rates supported by the cabling systems increase. The AFR1 employs a novel measurement architecture that achieves extremely wide bandwidth with superior measurement accuracy. Its unique RF measurement engine exceeds level IV and level V requirements throughout the easurement frequency range.
Proven Accuracy
The AFR1 has been independently verified by highly respected test laboratories such as ETL.
Vendor Approvals
Most leading cable manufacturers have extensively tested the AFR1 and have approved the
instrument for field certification and associated warranties of their structured cabling solutions.
Laboratory testing and comparisons against vector analyzers have proven that the AFR1 has excellent accuracy and measuements correlate with laboratory equipment. In fact, major cable vendors are using the AFR1 in their labs for qualifying CAT8 cabling systems under development.
Testing Cabling Systems CAT6A and Beyond
The AFR1, with its industry leading measurement performance, provides adapters for testing cabling systems with higher performance than CAT6A (500MHz).  For Class FA cabling, testing is performed over full standards defined frequency range from 1MHz through 1000MHz. Both TERA and GG45/ARJ45 interfaces are available through the AFR1 test adapters. Both channel and permanent link testing are supported. Adapters are also available for testing CAT7A patch-cords. With measurement bandwidth exceeding 2000MHz, the AFR1 is capable of testing CAT8 cabling once the standard is approved.
Copper patch-cord testing with the AFR1
The AFR1 offers an efficient way for quickly identifying and recording the performance of patch-cords. With its fast and accurate dual-ended testing, the AFR1‘s patch-cord test kits are suitable for both manufacturing testing, as well as for incoming inspection at end user premises.
The AFR1 patch-cord test kits are available for testing CAT5e, CAT6, CAT6A, and CAT7/7A patch-cords.
Industrial Ethernet cabling test
The AFR1‘s industrial Ethernet cabling test solution comprise of M12 adapter kits. Both channel and permanent link configurations with M12 industrial Ethernet connector are supported. Industrial Ethernet kit with X-Coded M12 interface is also available, making it possible to effectively test 10-Gig ready industrial Ethernet cables.
Coax cable test
With coax test adapters, the AFR1 supports testing of coaxial cables for attenuation and return loss over a wide frequency band.
Alien Cross-talk
Alien crosstalk testing with the AFR1 is performed using two AFR1 sets. This means, there are no special adapters and no need for carrying a laptop to the field for data analysis. Laboratory Testing of Cables and components AFR1 features extremely versatile adapters that enable the lab technicians to replace expensive Vector Network Analyser with AFR1 for performing differential S-parameter measurements over 1MHz to 2,500MHz.
AFR1 Optical Loss Test Kit
Modern network infrastructure involves installing both copper and fiber cabling within the same premises. With the increasing demand for bandwidth, certification plays a crucial role for guaranteed data rates. Certification requires characterizing each fiber link to the desired standards in measuring the insertion loss (attenuation) and length of the fiber link. The AFR1 provides you with a fast, easy and accurate way of determining the pass/fail criteria of the installation across ISO/IEC or TIA standards.

  • Performs autotest in less than 6 seconds
  • Perform Tier 1 Certification for ISO/IEC and TIA 568 C.3 Standards
  • Measures and certifies length and loss for single-mode at 1310nm and 1550 nm and multi-mode cabling at 850nm and 1300nm
  • Seamlessly integrates copper and fiber reports. Generate professional warranty and certification test reports
  • Double your productivity with DCSTM technology by using your remote unit as an independent optical certifier.

Test Limits and Link validations
The AFR1 optical loss test kit supports all the latest standards from TIA 568 C.3 to ISO 14763-3 standard. By automatically calculating the loss budgets the AFR1 saves you the trouble of having to perform cumbersome calculations and plugging in data for individual connectors and splices for different standards. In certain scenarios where end-to-end loss is required to be measured and documented, the AFR1 provides with a customized link validation workflow that lets you define end-to-end loss and perform the certification.

Multi-mode and Single-mode kits
The AFR1 optical loss kits are available for both Multi-mode and Single-mode fiber networks. The modular solution allows testing both types of networks on the same AFR1 unit with interchangeable adapters. Each module lets you perform very accurate loss and length measurements at two wavelengths meeting all the various standard requirements. Both kits support certification of horizontal as well as back-bone cabling by supporting dual wavelength measurement on each adapter.
MPO Testing Kit
The AFR1‘s versatile MPO testing solution enables data center IT managers to get quick and accurate assessment of the quality of MPO links. Additionally, it helps in performing incoming inspection of MPO components like cassettes. The key feature of this solution is a 5-second Autotest that includes a detection of fiber connection map and measurement of loss on each channel. The AFR1 cable certification tester enables testing of MPO/MTP links when used with MPO adapters. A typical test setup consists of the AFR1 local unit with MPO power meter adapter, and the remote unit with MPO light source adapter attached. Alternatively, a multimode fiber adapter can be attached to the AFR1 local unit for testing individual fibers in MPO link. This solution provides a fast and accurate measurement of MPO link loss and testing against user configured limit.
Professional Software
Manage your results and generate professional reports and warranty documents. The AFR1 certification solution includes Software, a PC based reporting software that produces full color graphical reports in summary or detail.
Easy to Use and ruggedized design
The AFR1 comes with an intuitive touch sensitive user interface, featuring bright color LCD screens designed for industrial, heavy duty usage. The Dual Control System (DCSTM) - featuring identical devices for remote and main units - makes it really easy to operate the test cycles. Whether coordinated by two technicians or only one, walking time between outlets is minimized.

Frequently Asked Questions

Copper testing  
Certification Testing: TIA 568-C.2 CAT 5e, 6, 6A, draft CAT 8
  ISO/IEC 11801, EN 50173 Class D,E,EA, F, FA draft Class I en Class II Permanent link and channel
  CAT 5e, 6, 6A, 7, 7A en patch-cord
Autotest tijd - CAT6A: 9 seconden
Autotest tijd - Class FA: 15 seconden
Meet bereik dual ended auto test: 500 meter
Insertion Cycles: Channel: 10.000 typical
  Permanent link: 5.000 typical
Test Parameters Volgens TIA 1152, IEC 61935-1
Loop weerstand: 0 tot 40 Ω, ±0,1 Ω
Lengte: 0 tot 500 meter, ±0.5m (dubbel eindig testen)
Propagation Delay: 0 tot 5000 ns, ±1 ns
Delay Skew: 0 tot 5000 ns, ±1 ns
Attenuation: 0 tot 70 dB, ±0,1dB
Paar-tot-Paar en Power-Sum NEXT: 0 tot 85 dB, ±0,2 dB
Paar-tot-Paar en Power-Sum ACRF: 0 tot 85 dB, ±0,2 dB
Return Loss: 0 tot 40 dB, ±0,2 dB
ACRN, PSACRN: -25 tot 85 dB, ±0,5 dB
geadvanceerde diagnose: Time-domain fout locator voor RL en NEXT
Advanced Diagnostics: Time-domain fault Locator for RL and NEXT
Meet nauwkeurigheid: Overschrijdt TIA 1152 Level IIIe, IEC 61935 level IV
Meet frequentie bereik: 1-2.500 MHz
Fiber Testen - Single Mode  
Golflengte: 1310nm, 1550nm
Autotest tijd: 6 seconde voor dual eindig testen
Connector Type: SC, LC (optionele adapter vereist)
Test Standaarden: TIA 568 C.3, IEC 14763-3
Verlies: 0 tot 31 dB, ±0,2 dB
Lengte: 0 tot 20.000m, ±1,5m
Uitgaande vermogen: -5 dBm tot -9dBm
Gevoeligheid ontvanger: -40dBm
Fiber Testen - Multimode  
Golflengte: 850nm, 1300nm
Autotest tijd: 6 seconden voor dual eindig testen
Connector Type: SC
Test standaarden: TIA 568 C.3, IEC 14763-3
Verlies: 0 tot 24 dB, ±0,2 dB
Lengte: 0 to 2.000m, ±1,5m
Encircled Flux Complian: through external mode conditioner
Dynamisch bereik: 24 dB
Uitgaande vermogen: -4dBm tot -10dBm
Gevoeligheid onvanger: -34 dBm
General Specifications  
Interfaces: Probe Interface, RJ-45 Ethernet, USB host and device, talkset, power jack
Beeldscherm: 15cm industrial LCD, touch sensitive area on both units
Behuizing: Van robust plastic omringt door rubber plastic with rubber over-mold, doorstaat valtest van 1.5 meter hoog op harde ondergrond
Remote mogelijkheden: Test resultaten bekijken, testen opslaan tests, start autotest
Input over-voltage beveiliging: Beveiligd tegen Telco voltages
Interne opslag: 2.000 copper test results with full plot information
Externe opslag: USB Flash Drive
Supported Languages: Chinese, Czech, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Operating Temparature: 0 tot 40 °C
Storage Temperature: -20 tot 60 °C
Relative humidity: 10% to 80%
Voeding: AC 100-240V tot 12V, 3A power adapter
Batterij: Vervangbare en oplaadbare Li-Ion
Batterij capaciteit: >8 uur bij continu gebruik
Dimensions: 232 x 126 x 87 mm3(9.1 x 5.0 x 3.4 inch3)
Weight: Approx. 1.4 kg (3.0 lb) / unit
Goedkeuring: CE, RoHS en WEEE

AFR1 40Gbit certificatie tester CAT8
AFO1 Batterijen AFN7/AFR1
AFO4 Cat6A Permanent link interface AFN7/AFR1
AFN8 Cat6A Channel adapter AFN7/AFR1
AFO7 USB Stick met software en gebruiksaanwijzing AFN7/AFR1
AFO8 Communicatie set AFN7/AFR1
AFO9 Voeding adapters AFN7/AFR1
AFP0 Netvoedingskabel AFN7/AFR1
AHG6 Certificatie calibratie AFR1
AHG8 Class FA certificatie software AFR1
GB10 Gebruiksaanwijzing


CU95 Netwerkcertificatie cursus
KO15 Instrumentkoffer medium (157 mm)
AFQ8 MM adapter pair 850/1300nm en 850 VCSEL 1300nm LED AFN7/AFR1
AFQ9 SM adapter pair certification testing 1310/1550nm AFN7/AFR1
AHG6 Certificatie calibratie AFR1
AHH7 Class FA channel adapters TERA interface Class F/Class FA channel test AFR1(2x)
AHH8 Class FA channel adapters TERA interface Class F/Class FA channel test AFR1 (2x)
AHH9 Class FA permanent link adapters TERA interface Class F/Class FA permanent link test AFR1(2x)
AHI0 Class FA TERA permanent link test kabels AFR1(2x)
AHI1 Set voor Class F en Class FA TERA permanent link test AFR1
AHI2 Class FA channel adapters GG45/ARJ45 interface AFR1(2x)z
AHI3 Class FA channel adapters GG45/ARJ45 interface AFR1(2x)

9.673,95 € (7.995,00 € excl VAT) each

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