RT01 Proefmonster verdeler 12,5

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The RT01 is designed for dividing and reduction of large material of all kinds into workable test samples. It is used in laboratory and on field. The RT01 feed size is approx. 8 mm, splits up to 5.0 litres in one flow of work. The stand made of painted steel sheet. The dividing head is made from stainless steel, with 18 slots. The RT01 is portable, easy operation & cleaning and do not need electrical power supply. Depending on the particle size distribution, the opening width should be approx. 3 times greater than the diameter of the largest particle. Dividing process according to DIN 51701, Part 4.

  • Stand made of painted steel sheet
  • Stainless steel dividing head with 18 slots à 12.5 mm
  • 3 receptacles 2.5 litres each made from tinplate
Feed size: Approx. 8 mm, splits up to 5.0 litres
Number of slots: 18 à 12.5 mm
Dimensions: 300 x 270 x 250 mm(W x H x D)
Weight: Approx. 3.5 kg
Goedkeuring: CE, RoHS en WEEE
- RT01 Proefmonster verdeler 12,5
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