AAP9 Digitale thermometer oppervlakte

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The AAP9 shown Rugged design withstands a AAP9 shown Rugged design withstands a 10’ drop Magnetic clip perfect for air duct applications Water resistant Auto power off Low battery indicator • 3.1mm diameter stem for “Pete's” plug.
Probe tips: Samples air temperatures three times faster than penetration or contact tips.

  • Water resistant
  • -58°/+300°F
  • -50°/+150°C
  • Data hold
  • °C/°F Switchable
  • Auto off


1. How do I check calibration of my pocket thermometer?
Place thermometer in a solution of crushed ice and water, swirl the water around and temperature should read close to 32°F. 2. Does the whole stem need to be immersed to get an accurate reading?
The sensor is in the tip of the probe and needs to be 1.27 cm (1/2 inch) into whatever you are measuring. 3. What battery does my pocket thermometer use?
The LR44 button battery is used in pocket digital thermometers.

Range: -58/+300°F
Tip type: Contact
Accuracy: ±2°F
Resolution: 0.1°F/C
Sampling time: 1.5sec.
Battery: 1.5-volt Button
Stem length: 7 cm (2.8”)
Qualified: CE, RoHS en WEEE
- AAP9 Digitale thermometer oppervlakte
- GB10 Gebruiksaanwijzing
88,33 € (73,00 € excl VAT) each

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